Understanding the Differences Between root.destroy() and root.quit() in Tkinter Python

πŸ’‘ Problem Formulation: When developing applications with Tkinter in Python, properly terminating the application is crucial. Programmers often confuse root.destroy() with root.quit() for ending the Tkinter main loop. The difference becomes significant depending on the context of the application. For instance, an app that needs to stop all processes immediately would require a different approach than one that may need to perform some actions before closing. This article clarifies the functionalities of both methods with examples of inputs and desired outputs.

Method 1: Using root.destroy() to Terminate the Application

This method completely shuts down the Tkinter application, destroying all widgets and terminating the mainloop implicitly. It’s typically used when you want to ensure that the application is closed completely and immediately, with no further code execution after the call.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk

def close_app():

root = tk.Tk()
exit_button = tk.Button(root, text="Exit", command=close_app)


Output: A window with an “Exit” button that, when clicked, will close the window and exit the application.

In this snippet, clicking the “Exit” button triggers the close_app() function, which calls root.destroy(). This effectively ends the program, destroying the application window and all its widgets. There will be no further processing or interaction possible after this point.

Method 2: Using root.quit() to Exit the Mainloop

The root.quit() method is used to stop the Tkinter mainloop. Unlike root.destroy(), after calling root.quit(), the application is still intact, and you can perform additional actions or restart the mainloop if desired.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk

def halt_mainloop():

root = tk.Tk()
stop_button = tk.Button(root, text="Stop Mainloop", command=halt_mainloop)

print("Mainloop has ended, but the window is still open.")

Output: A window with a “Stop Mainloop” button that, when clicked, will stop the main loop, and the message “Mainloop has ended, but the window is still open.” is printed to the console.

The click event on the “Stop Mainloop” button calls the halt_mainloop() function, which invokes root.quit(). This stops the mainloop but does not destroy the application widgets and window, allowing additional code to execute after the mainloop has ended.

Method 3: Combining root.quit() and root.destroy() for More Control

Sometimes you might want to stop the mainloop to perform some cleanup or save data before actually closing the application window. In this case, you can use root.quit() to exit the mainloop and then call root.destroy() to close the application.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk

def shutdown_app():
    print("Performing cleanup tasks...")
    print("Closing application window...")

root = tk.Tk()
shutdown_button = tk.Button(root, text="Shutdown", command=shutdown_app)


Output: A window with a “Shutdown” button that, when clicked, prints cleanup messages to the console before closing the application window.

When the user clicks the “Shutdown” button, the shutdown_app() function is executed. It performs cleanup tasks, exits the mainloop, and finally destroys the application window. This ensures that necessary post-processing can occur before the program ends.

Method 4: Using Exception Handling to Determine When to Use Each Method

Handle exceptions during the mainloop that might require different termination methods. For instance, on encountering a specific exception, you might choose to use root.destroy(), but for others, root.quit() might suffice.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("Interrupted by keyboard, quitting mainloop...")
except Exception as e:
    print("An error occurred:", str(e))

Output: Depending on the exception, either the mainloop will stop or the entire application will close with the corresponding message printed to the console.

This code demonstrates a scenario where a KeyboardInterrupt will only stop the mainloop, allowing for graceful shutdown, while other exceptions will lead to an immediate destruction of the application with root.destroy().

Bonus One-Liner Method 5: Exiting with sys.exit()

As a bonus, you can also use Python’s built-in sys.exit() method to terminate a program. It will raise a SystemExit exception, which can be intercepted for cleanup purposes.

Here’s an example:

import tkinter as tk
import sys

root = tk.Tk()

exit_button = tk.Button(root, text="Exit with sys.exit", command=sys.exit)


Output: A window with an “Exit with sys.exit” button. Clicking the button will terminate the application through sys.exit().

By clicking the “Exit with sys.exit” button, the application calls the sys.exit() function. This raises a SystemExit exception which, unless caught, will terminate the program including the Tkinter application.


  • Method 1: root.destroy(). Used to terminate the application, destroying all widgets. Cannot continue code execution after invoking.
  • Method 2: root.quit(). Stops the Tkinter mainloop. Application can still execute code, albeit with the user interface disabled.
  • Method 3: Combination. Using quit and destroy provides more control to perform actions before closing the app.
  • Method 4: Exception Handling. Tailors the application’s closing logic to handle different runtime scenarios gracefully or abruptly.
  • Method 5: sys.exit(). Offers a general Python method for application termination, with opportunities for cleanup before shutdown.